Saturday, January 21, 2012

CSAPH Kick-Off Meeting Spring 2012

New student group meeting on February 3, 2012 from 2:00PM-3:00PM.
Location:  Mailman, 11th Floor Classroom

Our student group is dedicated to exploring complex systems approaches to relevant public health problems.  Join our multidisciplinary group members as we frame public health questions, investigate appropriate modeling approaches, and apply both standard clinical research methods and simulation approaches 

Short Term Goals:  Generate 1 publishable manuscript by end of Spring '12, co-authored by the group with faculty advising.

Long Term Goals:  Get involved, and you decided!!

We welcome all interested Columbia University students to attend.

* Mailman School of Public Health
* P&S Medical School
* Columbia College (Engineering, Computer Science, Economics)
* School of International and Public Affairs
* Graduate School of Arts and Science

Be present at our kick-off meeting to help decide the most relevant health issues to tackle as a group this semester.

Pizza and beverages will be served.  Come for the food, stay for the science, and get lost in the complexity.